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Sustainable Grading

I've turned into a grading machine.

MOOCs, Machines, and Music

Some thoughts on what's been going on in higher ed.

Remembering My Students

I've taught for almost 15 years and just about 1251 students (give or take). How much of it do I remember? Quite a lot, actually.

Design in FYC?

If we begin to ask students to write in different forms using electronic mediums and digital tools, do we also need to teach them about design?

It’s That Time of the Year!

Not finals, not Spring (although it’s related), not baseball; it’s HOCKEY PLAYOFFS! Not finals, not Spring (although it’s related), not baseball; it’s HOCKEY PLAYOFFS!

Money Isn’t Everything, Right?

Salaries, inequity, transparency. And I work too hard.

A 40-hour week?

What if we only worked 40 hours a week in higher education?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

In that case, Dean Dad, consider yourself flattered, because here are my Friday Fragments.