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Institutional Branding Demands Presidential Ownership: An Open Letter to College and University CEOs

For an institutional branding effort to succeed, presidents must provide leadership and champion the cultural change that breathes life into a brand foundation

Creating a Culture of ROI

Ensuring ROI on your institution’s communications and marketing requires leadership -- and buy-in.

What’s the reputation of your institution worth?

Sustaining your institution’s reputation requires vigilance in the era of disruption and distraction.

Three Tips for Managing Website Chaos

Managing a university website without governance is like trying to manage gunslingers in the Wild West. You need a sheriff, deputies and basic laws to clear things up. Saddle up and hang on.

Smart Language Always Puts Your Audience First

As marketers we need to ensure our vocabulary meets audiences where they are and delivers on their expectations, because more often than not, there’s little time to explain.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders One Story At a Time

Addressing marketing challenges with diminishing resources may tempt your team to hunker down and pound out the work. But today, impressionable young leaders need the very best performance you and your crew can muster.

Marketing Authenticity in Higher Education

The role of digitally altered images in college admissions.

What Makes a Higher Education Website Great?

Great design and cool technology alone don’t make a higher ed website great. They’re wasted if the site isn’t getting results.