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Reddit Is More Influential in Higher Ed Than You Think

Before you jump into Reddit, get familiar with these rules of engagement.

Web Analytics: Three Steps to Make Sense of the Data

There’s actionable data gathered every time someone visits your institution’s website — but where to begin? Here are three steps to get your web analytics in order.

It Isn’t the Cost of College That’s the Problem: It’s the Price

There’s often a huge difference between the two figures. That’s finally starting to change.

Getting Athletics off the Bench in Your Marketing

From D1 to D3, athletic programs drive a lot of interest in colleges and universities. Embrace it, and find ways to let athletics showcase your institutional brand.

A Higher Ed CMO’s Dilemma: In-sourcing vs. Outsourcing

While today’s marketing communications landscape is challenging for higher ed, there are new opportunities to build an inside/outside team to meet the challenges.

Navigating the Gray Between Buy-In and Co-Creation

An enduring brand strategy requires more than just stakeholder buy-in.

Who Is Telling Your Story?

It’s likely not your students. But maybe it should be.

Creating a Partnership With the Advancement Office

Despite the occasional challenges, creating a partnership between fundraising and marketing is essential.