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Creating Community in Online Classrooms

Rebecca Vidra explains how she uses her students' shared interest in music to draw them into her course's discussion forum.

Virginia's Fight Over Online Ed

Governor has proposed ending tuition assistance for students who take classes online, drawing intense criticism from Liberty University and its president, Jerry Falwell Jr.

Who Leads on College Learning?

Significant experimentation has taught us much about what works and what doesn't in teaching and learning -- yet the knowledge remains diffused, not systemic. Can anyone marshal it?

‘Ground Control to Major Tom…’

William Kuskin discusses the early results from his institution's effort to pilot an at-scale affordable degree.

A New Player in the College Completion Market

MOOC platform Coursera is teaming up with the University of North Texas to offer an online bachelor’s degree aimed at working adults with some college credit.

Catholic Contraception? Get the App

Two Catholic colleges, Georgetown University and Marquette University, have been helping to create apps for natural family planning.

The Imperative to Improve College Learning

Affordability and credential attainment are important goals. But the big question for higher education now, some of the enterprise's best minds say, is "completion of what?"

The Dark, Challenging and Fun Future

Bryan Alexander's new book, Academia Next, attempts to predict the future of higher education. We asked him a few questions about what's in store.