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Course Hero Woos Professors

The company's website for sharing course materials is popular with students but a decade ago raised faculty hackles over copyright and enabling cheating. Has its outreach to professors changed the narrative?

Messy Merger Forecast for ‘McCengage’

Merging two giant educational publishers was never going to be smooth sailing, but the process has been rockier than Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education expected.

The Pulse: Bryan Alexander and ‘Academia Next’

Podcast features discussion with Bryan Alexander about his book Academia Next.

India Opens the Door Wide for Online Learning

The Indian government is opening up the market for fully online degrees, and U.S. companies are poised to be players.

CUNY's Move on Corporate Tuition Benefits

City University of New York joins ASU spin-off InStride in effort to tap into growing online degree market for companies that offer college tuition benefits to employees.

Time for a Tune-Up?

During the last decade, historians worked together to commonly define graduates' desired skills, knowledge and "habits of mind." Here's what that "tuning" accomplished -- and where it fell short.

Prepping for a Community College Career

Doctoral education doesn't necessarily prepare future faculty members for the jobs they're likely to get at teaching-intensive institutions. A new grant program takes aim at that problem.

Key Senators Turn Up Heat on OPMs

Old issues with online program management companies get new attention in Washington.