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Colleges Move Online Amid Virus Fears

Several West Coast universities have moved instruction to remote learning. Faculty are now left to figure out what that means for students.

Cambridge College Acquires Online Business School

Private nonprofit college plans to absorb part of a shuttered for-profit chain. Backers say the business college stood out from its peers and provides key competencies for educating working adults online.

When Is a Learning Community Not a Learning Community?

A leading educator asserts that some colleges use the “high-impact” educational practices in name only -- and a group of learning community advocates largely agrees. What's their plan?

Drilling Down Into Distance Education Data

New online learning stats show growing demand for online programs across state lines and shed new light on in-state online enrollments.

Is Students' Early Career Success Their Professors' Problem?

A new paper asserts the faculty's obligation to embrace "career-relevant instruction." What exactly does that mean, for professors and students?

Coronavirus Forces Universities Online

Compelled to close their campuses to limit the spread of coronavirus, U.S. universities with Chinese branches move at lightning speed to take teaching online.

Improving NYC's Tech Training

What must change in New York City's tech training landscape to ensure that employees in the industry reflect the city's diversity?

Facial Recognition Surveillance on Campus

UCLA was the first university to openly consider facial recognition technology for security surveillance. The university abandoned that plan, but other colleges may be using the software.