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College Marching Bands Go Digital

College marching bands are ditching sheet music for smartphone apps in an effort to save time, money and the environment.

Small Colleges Share Online Programs, Powered by a Company

Several colleges have increased enrollment and reaped financial gains from using Rize Education’s courses in high-demand fields, largely overcoming faculty concerns about loss of control.

Online Does Not Mean Isolated

And in person may not mean connected: Maha Bali, George Station and Mia Zamora discuss building community in an online conference or professional development series.

An Outage, Silence and Finally, Acknowledgment of a Cyberattack

For three weeks, Whitworth University stayed mostly mum about network and website outages, prompting speculation about ransomware and frustrating professors and students. Wednesday it acknowledged a cyberattack.

The Vulnerability of Student Reproductive Health Data

Even as colleges adapt to the fall of Roe v. Wade, institutions have offered students a range of direct, indirect and sometimes outdated messaging about protecting medical information that could make them vulnerable.

A Machine Can Now Do College-Level Math

An MIT team’s artificial intelligence, which can solve and explain problems in seconds, could help professors create content and assist with tutoring students. But some see subpar explanations and new ways for students to cheat.

Company Steps in to Ease Transfer-Credit Friction

Outlier creates a network of institutions to try to fix a broken system of transfer credit. Experts applaud the company's efforts, but its for-profit nature may limit acceptance by some institutions.

A Best-Selling Textbook Is Now Free

A popular chemistry book's jump from a publishing titan to an OER pioneer could be pivotal for the open access movement. For the author, it's also a fitting tribute to his late son.