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Thomas Friedman's latest celebration of massive open online courses is riddled with contradictions and shallow thinking, writes Carolyn Foster Segal.

Dangerous and Possibly Anonymous

Educators begin to think about how to deal with hate speech, threats and talk of suicide in massive open online courses.

Rise of Customized Learning

Western Governors U. and others continue to expand competency-based education amid excitement (and confusion) about President Obama's praise of the approach.

Peer Grading Can’t Work

Jonathan Rees found much to like in a MOOC in which he enrolled, but writes that the use of students to evaluate one another does not work and undermines the role of professors.

Change From Within

Higher education's most powerful association throws its weight behind "disruptions" to the industry. Can the establishment help lead the revolution?

The MOOC-Averse Technology U.

Carnegie Mellon doesn't want to give its courses away. It does want to promote new forms of instruction -- but only if they have business models.

Drone U.

As tension over drones is rising, so too is their use among academics. The unmanned vehicles' potential for research is huge, but privacy concerns remain.

Rate My MOOCs

New websites let users rate free online classes. So far, the reviews seem to lack the vitriol directed at regular courses, suggesting users seem thankful for a free lunch.