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The Pulse: Handwriting and Voice Capture

This month's edition of The Pulse podcast examines various services that instructors can use to capture their handwriting or voice to embed into learning modules for the flipped classroom or massive open online courses.

Three's Company

Stanford University, birthplace of two MOOC companies, decides to work with a nonprofit started by MIT and Harvard.

Call in the Lawyers

Edwin Mellen Press, under fire for a now-dropped lawsuit against a university and librarian, threatens more legal action after a website wrote about the case.

Online Rx for 'Cost Disease'

William Bowen, former Princeton president, argues in new book that technology can lower college costs, but there remain more questions than answers.

United Opposition

Academic senates of California's three higher ed systems all now oppose plan to deal with overcrowding by outsourcing instruction and forcing colleges to award credit for programs that may be unaccredited and for-profit.

Economies of Online Scale

Florida and New York try to expand their online course catalogs while consolidating authority.

Coursera's Contractual Elitism

Many state universities and small liberal arts colleges that want to partner with Coursera may not want to wait by the phone.

Social Media as Medication

Student affairs professionals discuss how technology use -- in some ways, enabled by the officials themselves -- may harm students' social development.