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Academic Jerks

A professor's reflection on personalities prevalent in academe strikes a chord with scholars.

The Particle Accelerator of Learning

Peter Stokes takes a peek inside the latest laboratory spawned by MIT and Harvard -- edX, the nonprofit MOOC provider.

Twice as Many MOOCs

Coursera and edX both double in size and look for larger international audiences.

A Google Docs Block

Oxford's decision to temporarily cut off access to a popular Google product because of security concerns generates discussion -- and some disagreement.

'Warnings From the Trenches'

Professors rally behind a high school teacher who says No Child Left Behind has created a generation of test-takers unprepared for higher education.

Librarians and Lawyers

A second librarian's blog becomes the target of a potential lawsuit from a disgruntled publisher.

The Right Path to MOOC Credit?

The recent announcement that a higher education group will award credit for individual massive open online courses may be a step in the wrong direction, writes Pamela Tate.

College Songs for MOOC Era

Ted Fiske rewrites the lyrics of some traditional college songs and cheers -- and invites others to submit similar revisions of their favorites.