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Three Out of 2U

Top-tier universities said in November they would work with 2U for a project known as Semester Online. As this fall’s launch date approaches, several have backed away.

Innovation, or Something Else?

Is all the talk about "innovation" masking anxiety about how higher education might be reshaped? Peter Stokes asks.

Trying to 'Reset' Online Fight

A report aims to reframe a hot debate in California over online education as lawmakers get ready to work on the state's budget.

Massive (But Not Open)

Georgia Tech and Udacity, a MOOC provider, team up to dramatically lower the cost of a computer science master's degree.

MOOCs and Community Colleges

Access and affordability are nothing new to community colleges, writes J. Noah Brown. Neither is quality.

Not Staying the Course

New study examines the low completion rates of MOOCs.

Reins on Moonlighting

In an effort to prevent online companies from competing against it using its own faculty, the University of Pennsylvania drafts new guidelines for faculty.

The Pulse: Teaching Lab Courses Online

This month's edition of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Jim Brown of Ocean County College, discussing tools that can help faculty members teach lab courses in online settings.