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Banned From Blogging

Appeals court upholds U. of Louisville's dismissal of a nursing student for what she shared about a patient, and backs university view that this was an academic, not disciplinary, action.

The MOOC Synthesizer

Two overlooked articles consider massive open online coursework from distinctive angles. Scott McLemee flags them down.

Where's the Evidence?

There are many ways to measure learning that takes place outside of traditional classrooms. John F. Ebersole wants to know why MOOCs aren't using the available techniques.

Faculty Surprise

While administrators at 10 state systems and flagship universities planned major partnerships with Coursera, some faculty leaders say they were in the dark.

The New For-Profits

Nonprofit colleges and universities are using a new breed of corporate entities to take their academic programs online. The institutions may be giving away too much money and control, Paul LeBlanc warns.

State Systems Go MOOC

Coursera announces major expansion into public higher ed. Some see potential to use software for traditional online courses, while others see textbook alternatives, new LMS options or a platform for their own MOOCs.

Quest for 'Genius Babies'?

Jason Richwine quit Heritage Foundation amid controversy over his Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. Critics are now raising questions about work by a Michigan State physicist and vice president.

The Fine Print

The details behind Georgia Tech's new deal with Udacity: big dollars and new types of instructional aides -- including some who work for the outside company.