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The Hijacking of MOOCs

A worthy concept has been degraded and is not nearly as open or online or oriented on educational goals as were its first iterations, writes Kevin Bell.

Does Not Compute

A new position statement from the National Council of Teachers of English says machine scoring of essays is easily "gamed" and can't grasp the same elements people can.

MOOC Skeptics at the Top

Even as colleges add massive online courses or grant credit for them, survey finds most presidents are dubious that the innovation will transform learning or produce savings.

Quick and Dirty Research

Academic researchers need to be nimble to contribute to the fast-moving science of learning around online education.

Duke Faculty Say No

Vote by professors forces university to withdraw from participation in online credit courses for undergraduates.

MOOCs, History and Context

Massive open online courses might only be a footnote in the evolution of higher education, but they reflect a revolution that is taking place regardless of whether they succeed, writes Arthur Levine.

Only Sometimes for Online

Community college students prefer face-to-face courses over online ones in certain subjects and when they think a course is important, challenging or interesting, a study finds.

The World Is Not Flat

Does the utopian vision of democratizing education have a cultural ceiling?