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The New For-Profits

Nonprofit colleges and universities are using a new breed of corporate entities to take their academic programs online. The institutions may be giving away too much money and control, Paul LeBlanc warns.

State Systems Go MOOC

Coursera announces major expansion into public higher ed. Some see potential to use software for traditional online courses, while others see textbook alternatives, new LMS options or a platform for their own MOOCs.

Harvard Profs Push Back

58 arts and sciences faculty members want a committee created to consider ethical issues related to the MOOC provider edX -- not just for the university, but for higher education broadly.

Trying to 'Reset' Online Fight

A report aims to reframe a hot debate in California over online education as lawmakers get ready to work on the state's budget.

MOOCs and Community Colleges

Access and affordability are nothing new to community colleges, writes J. Noah Brown. Neither is quality.

Not Staying the Course

New study examines the low completion rates of MOOCs.

The Hijacking of MOOCs

A worthy concept has been degraded and is not nearly as open or online or oriented on educational goals as were its first iterations, writes Kevin Bell.

MOOC Skeptics at the Top

Even as colleges add massive online courses or grant credit for them, survey finds most presidents are dubious that the innovation will transform learning or produce savings.