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Where Are the Savings?

Christopher Newfield digs into the details of the Georgia Tech-Udacity deal and emerges with lots of doubts about the economics of the arrangement and its impact on higher education.

MOOC-Skeptical Provosts

Academic leaders of Big 10 and U. of Chicago issue statement promoting joint online instruction, but suggesting that universities may be better off managing it without corporate involvement.

MOOCs for Credit, Aussie-Style

Two Australian universities announce plans to charge students fees if they want to be assessed and earn credit for free open courses.

Ma, There's a MOOC Under My Bed

Justin D. Martin considers why faculty members are dubious of some new forms of online instruction.

Where's the Real Learning?

Karen Symms Gallagher has experience in online education. She took a MOOC and wonders what all the excitement is about.

The MOOC Synthesizer

Two overlooked articles consider massive open online coursework from distinctive angles. Scott McLemee flags them down.

Where's the Evidence?

There are many ways to measure learning that takes place outside of traditional classrooms. John F. Ebersole wants to know why MOOCs aren't using the available techniques.

Faculty Surprise

While administrators at 10 state systems and flagship universities planned major partnerships with Coursera, some faculty leaders say they were in the dark.