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Free Courses for a Big Problem

Community colleges use open-source, MOOC-style content as study guides for remedial courses, and some are choosing homegrown content over courses from MOOC providers.

Udacity Project on 'Pause'

San Jose State's experiment with MOOC provider attracted enormous attention when it was launched. But students didn't do as well as they did in traditional classes.

No-Bid MOOCs

MOOC providers are doing deals all over the country, in part through a series of no-bid agreements with public higher ed institutions.

A Plea for 'Close Learning'

Scott L. Newstok writes that it's time for skeptics of massive distance education to define what they value in the classroom.

Blackboard Goes MOOC

Largest provider of classroom management software removes itself from the sidelines and joins the MOOC fray.

Beyond MOOC Hype

Leading voices in higher ed start to urge more reflection and study of MOOCs -- with less emphasis on rushing to join a movement.

No Right Answers

MOOCs are supposed to democratize education, but some students may never learn the right answers to questions on assignments that they get wrong.

Innovation Exhaustion and a Path to Moving Forward

MOOCs, competency-based education and other reforms are worthy ideas, writes Dan Greenstein. But in the chase for the next big thing, some have forgotten the goal of improving higher education, not just making it more efficient.