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EdX Rejected

Declining a rare courtship from a top MOOC provider, Amherst sends the joint venture of Harvard and MIT packing. Professors say they didn't like where the project is taking higher education.

Digital Rescue

Advocates for new teaching technologies say liberal arts institutions should flock to, not fear, online education.

Taking on Accreditors and Faculty

Florida lawmakers want to boost MOOCs and upend the traditional quality control system by letting state officials demand that public colleges grant credit for courses offered by unaccredited institutions.

Free to Profit

Coursera, which made a name for itself offering free courses from elite universities, begins to make money.

Three's Company

Stanford University, birthplace of two MOOC companies, decides to work with a nonprofit started by MIT and Harvard.

United Opposition

Academic senates of California's three higher ed systems all now oppose plan to deal with overcrowding by outsourcing instruction and forcing colleges to award credit for programs that may be unaccredited and for-profit.

Coursera's Contractual Elitism

Many state universities and small liberal arts colleges that want to partner with Coursera may not want to wait by the phone.

Who Owns a MOOC?

At U. of California Santa Cruz, faculty leaders charge that Coursera's deals with instructors endanger hard won intellectual property rights.