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Unpaid Internships Here to Stay?

After an initial ruling in a lawsuit struck a blow against unpaid internships, a new ruling gives the arrangement fresh legs.

Antiskimming Software

Business professors find another use for software created to help them teach case studies: preventing students from skimming.

What Is Detected?

Tests conducted by a writing coordinator at the U of Texas at Austin suggest that many student plagiarists could avoid being caught by Turnitin.

Honor Society Leader Steps Down

Longtime executive director of Phi Theta Kappa retires from his position at two-year-college group following charges and a seemingly aborted investigation into inappropriate behavior.

Anonymous Charges Vindicated

Arizona State demotes history professor, accused of plagiarism in 2011 and 2014, based on investigation into the latter charges.

Casting a Wider Net

After criticism from some black college leaders, the legislation for Obama's free community college proposal includes a new grant program aimed at HBCUs and minority-serving institutions.

Requiring a Red Flag

Virginia and New York are first states to require colleges to note on transcripts whether a student was suspended or expelled over sexual assault allegations. But at some colleges, ignorance is not the only reason students found responsible for sexual misconduct are able to transfer so easily.

Celebrations, Not Tests

One professor has banned exams in the classroom in favor of "celebrations," placing the emphasis on how much students have learned and away from scores they've earned.