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Leniency Likely?

Should all-male panels of fraternity members be deciding on the guilt of fraternities accused of, among other things, harassing and violating the privacy of women? Can Greek systems be fair in judging their own?

Faster Humanities Ph.D.s, But at What Cost?

UC Irvine moves toward a system in which doctorates can be earned in five years, half the norm for these fields at many institutions. Some departments embrace plan; they fear impact on dissertations and on adjuncts.

Universities Under Attack

New report documents a range of types of attacks on higher education worldwide, including killings, imprisonments, wrongful dismissals and expulsions, and restrictions on the movements of students and scholars.

Detecting Essay Fraud

An international investigation shows the difficulty of monitoring and stopping academic ghostwriting.

Defining Competency

Education Department and regional accreditors seek common ground on competency-based education, including what the faculty role should be in the emerging form of higher education.

1 in 5 After All?

Federal study showing that 20 percent of college women were sexually assaulted has been widely questioned, but a new national study has the same finding.

Lingua Franca for Credentials

Lumina Foundation creates a group to develop a framework and common language for the growing number of credentials, which range from degrees to alternative forms like badges and industry certifications.

Protect Women by Banning Them?

U of Missouri considers plan to bar women from visiting fraternity houses on weekend nights. University says idea is to prevent sexual assault, but sorority leaders are among those most opposed.