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Suicide Tally

New Jersey lawmaker wants to require colleges to disclose each year how many students attempt take their own lives, and how many succeed. Mental health experts fear consequences of the idea.

Obama's Higher Ed Home Stretch

In major policy speech, Arne Duncan says student debt is only part of higher education's problem, and calls for renewed policy push on student success and return on investment.

A Different Perspective on Concussions

College football conferences agree that putting additional medical spotters in replay booths is a good idea, but they're debating about giving those observers the power to stop a game.

After a Shooting, Reform

After a University of Cincinnati police officer kills a man, university officials consider reforms to the campus police force.

The Right to Confront

California court rejects a public university's findings of sexual assault by a male student. Some say case points to tensions over due process at many institutions.

Caution and Competency

Senators seek guidance on how to encourage innovation without opening aid floodgates to "bad actors," and a group of 17 institutions with competency-based programs calls for a careful approach by policy makers.

Cutting the Wrong Sport?

Facing deficit of $60 million, U of Akron is eliminating 215 staff positions and baseball team, while its football program is off the chopping block. Faculty members want to know why.

Health Care and Higher Ed

The two industries differ in key ways but face several similar and pressing challenges.