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Search for Success

As one student success program at the University of Texas at Austin thrives, officials at partner institutions in the University Innovation Alliance examine what might work best on their own campuses.

The Dean of Sexual Assault

Lee Burdette Williams explains why the well-intended but misguided push to compel campuses to better protect victims of sexual assault helped drive her from her job.

Big Completion Goals in Texas

Texas joins the college completion agenda with new goal for 60 percent of its young adults to have college degrees or certificates by 2030.

Access Broadens, Dropouts Soar

Since Australian universities won the right to enroll any students they deemed qualified, the proportion of students failing out has spiked, especially from online programs.

Staying Confidential

Months after U of Oregon's actions exposed the ability of colleges to seek mental health records of alleged rape victims, the outrage hasn't led to action to prevent others from doing the same thing.

Fraternity Justice

New legislation, backed by Greek lobbyists, aims to change the rules on campus Title IX investigations. Advocates for victims say it would be a step backward.

Campus or City Police?

An Ohio prosecutor calls for U of Cincinnati police force to be disbanded after an officer is indicted for murder. But would the city's police force be able to handle law enforcement on campus?


One might assume a full-time faculty member at an elite institution would have his or her medical needs, and those of family members, covered. A Twitter campaign suggests that's not always the case.