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Opioid Education, Now a College Requirement

New Maryland law raises question: Can prevention and education programs be effective measures for stemming the opioid crisis?

Fairness Questioned

New report from FIRE says many colleges’ disciplinary systems deny students due process.

Socially Savvy Freshmen

A new Stanford study suggests first-year students can judge who will help them have fun and who can be a shoulder to cry on.

They Could Help, So They Did

Students from Western Carolina University’s Bass Fishing Club drove nearly 900 miles, boats in tow, to rescue Texans stranded by Harvey’s floodwaters.

Windowpanes Without Messages

Ohio State University no longer allows decorations in dormitory windows, prompting student ire and a First Amendment debate.

Inside Germany’s Fraternities

Image problems, outdated traditions (required sword fights) and scandals make it tough to recruit students these days.

Changing Orientation to Talk Charlottesville

Occidental College has reworked its program to include questions about the protests.

Charlottesville Fallout for 2 Students

One says he was kicked out of Pensacola Christian after showing up to the Robert E. Lee statue after the protest with a Confederate flag. Another says he is leaving Boston U over threats for having attended.