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The Costumes Are Coming

Colleges are pilloried each October by conservative media for being overly concerned about students offended by Halloween costumes. But do those stories miss the hands-off approach colleges often take?

‘All by Myself’

A new viral video from a Cornell student captures one of the most persistent problems among freshmen -- loneliness.

The Students the Lists Leave Out

The emphasis on the uniqueness of each incoming class in annual lists of student worldviews perpetuates the assumption that the college population is mainly composed of recent high school graduates, writes Hollis Phelps.

Lessons From Spencer's Florida Speech

What other institutions can learn from the way the university prepared for the event, avoided violence and offered support to students.

Spencer Gets to Speak

Amid protests outside and shouting indoors, white supremacist Richard Spencer gave his talk at the University of Florida.

Speakers Stress University Pocketbooks

Administrators don’t yet know how to handle the high costs of controversial figures appearing on their campuses.

The Kids Are Alright

College students are more narcissistic than older people. But, perhaps young people always have been narcissistic, and it’s not so much a generational problem as it is a problem of youth, research suggests.

Lukewarm Embrace of Free Speech

A new FIRE survey reveals that students broadly support the civil liberty but think there should be limitations.