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Hard Line on Social Groups

A Harvard panel of faculty members and administrators wants to eliminate Greek life and other exclusive groups.

Cut Off

Mizzou will ban students from using ID credit cards to buy nonacademic items from campus store, saying it will promote better spending habits. But students can still buy campus massages with their IDs and use their credit cards for other things.

‘A New Day at OCR’

Trump administration’s top two enforcers of civil rights laws for education promise college lawyers timelier, fairer treatment, but vow no “retreat” on anti-discrimination enforcement.

Do Free Speech and Inclusivity Clash?

At meeting of college lawyers, panelists rue students’ lack of understanding of First Amendment and share strategies for balancing expression and sensitivity.

Why Students Are Anxious About Employment

Many young people have precious little experience in the working world -- which makes it more incumbent on universities (and their faculties) to help prepare them better for it, Ryan Craig argues.

Video Games as a College Sport

The idea of colleges fielding teams for video games, an oddity just several years ago, now supports an athletic conference and is seeing major growth.

Stalkers’ Strategies

With increasing use of social media, college students -- who are already more likely to be victims of stalking -- are more at risk than ever.

First-Gen Faculty

University of California plan forges connections between students and professors who were the first in their families to attend a four-year institution.