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We Can No Longer Ignore the Slump

Colleges and universities must build on first-year programs to help sophomore students define the questions that will guide their academic journeys, write Sarah Barber and Robert Thacker.

Drunk and Vomiting? Don't Try a Backpack

Health experts are criticizing a new trend in college drinking -- “Jansporting,” where students try to force a drinker to sit upright to avoid choking on vomit.

Sleek, New and Just for Engineering Students

Arizona State unveils its new dormitory designed just for engineering majors, an unusual concept in residence life.

Offensive Memes: First Harvard, Now Pomona

Weeks after Harvard University voided the admission of incoming students who participated in a racist Facebook group, the California college grapples with a similar group involving hundreds of current students.

Students and Free Speech: Was Study Valid?

Survey that attracted attention with its findings on student attitudes on First Amendment and violence turns out to have been opt-in, leading experts to criticize it as, in the words of one, “junk science.”

Free Speech or Inciting Violence?

A University of Wisconsin student’s provocative clothing line blasts police brutality, and a conservative state lawmaker seeks “accountability.”

A Total Prohibition

Ohio University rushed through a policy that bans all indoor protests, but vehement campus criticism may lead to changes.

The Next Yik Yak?

Islands app gains traction as it expands base of colleges. Its founder says he learned from the controversial (and defunct) Yik Yak, but the new app gives users ability to post anonymously -- a trait many believe was at the root of why Yik Yak caused so many problems on campuses.