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Brand New Online Heavies

Nonprofit colleges are moving into for-profits' turf online, study finds, sparking new competition based on price and brand.

Higher Ed Shrinks

The number of students enrolled in U.S. colleges declines in 2011, the first such drop in at least 15 years. For-profit colleges lose the most.

High-Stakes Gig in California

Brice Harris, a community college veteran, is new chancellor of cash-strapped state system. His job won't be easy.

Social Networks and College Choices

Survey shows that prospective students use Facebook more than any other network to research colleges, and they're looking primarily to interact with current students and admissions officers.

Who's in Control?

New details emerge in accreditation crisis at City College of San Francisco, and a tussle brews between former for-profit foe Bob Shireman and faculty groups at California's community colleges.

Clear Expectations on Readiness

Colleges and policymakers could help more students succeed by making non-academic college readiness part of Common Core standards, write Melinda Mechur Karp and Rachel Hare Bork.

A Stable Job?

Mark Heinrich will be the seventh person in six years to take over the chancellorship of the Alabama Community College System, which has been reeling since scandal sparked a federal investigation in 2006.

Retaliation at Queensborough?

After English department disappointed officials, administration said it would call off searches, send adjuncts "letters of non-reappointment," and tell students to take composition elsewhere. Now president says that was just a "worst-case scenario."