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Placement Tests Still Rule

Research backs reformers' criticism of remedial placement exams, but colleges rely heavily on them, a new study finds.

College Enrollments Fell This Fall

Enrollments dipped 1.8 percent in fall 2012, with biggest drops at for-profit and community colleges, National Student Clearinghouse data show.

Grading Personal Responsibility

Community college in N.C. plans to evaluate "soft skills" and issue workplace readiness certificates for students who get passing marks.

Crash Course for Remediation

Complete College America enlists other groups in spelling out its call for immediate and fundamental changes to remedial education.

Living Cheap Enough?

With student debt surpassing $1 trillion, graduate school deans discuss the implications for graduate school admissions and retention and the importance of financial literacy.

A Market Strategy

Seeing strength in numbers, adjunct faculty from across the Washington, D.C. region hope to form a metropolitan union to fight for equity in pay, benefits and more.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

A Missouri community college goes after nearby for-profits with TV ads that name names and compare tuition rates. Will other community colleges follow suit?

Pricing Out the Humanities

History professors at the University of Florida fight back against idea that the state should use tuition to discourage enrollment in fields without immediate connection to jobs.