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Taking On Higher Ed

GOP's party platform calls out colleges for political and scientific bias, as well as out of control tuition hikes. It also takes a hard line on immigration and affirmative action.

Law of Averages

The alternative to community college for most students is typically no college, finds study that pushes back against "undermatching" warnings about two-year path.

'Getting to Graduation'

A new book of essays takes stock of where "completion agenda" stands. The volume's editors talk about key lessons from the still nascent college completion push.

Creditworthy in the Keystone State

With job training in mind, Pennsylvania's regional public universities go big on offering credit for prior learning and stackable credentials.

Broken but Useful

Remediation isn't working, but it's not all that discouraging to students and might serve other purposes, a study finds -- such as helping colleges cope with overenrolled regular courses.

Texas Gets an Incomplete

The Gates Foundation gives Texas community colleges the boot in Completion by Design project. State officials are surprised and disappointed by the decision, but vow to continue work.

Ministers With MBAs

The seminary at North Park University, a Christian college in Chicago, is encouraging its students to pursue business degrees in addition to their theological studies.

Competing With Competency

Kentucky's two-year colleges have added competency and self-paced elements to online offerings for working adults, proving "disruptive" approaches can work for, rather than against, colleges.