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Efficiency in Job Training

The U.S. lags with disorganized system of preparing workers for middle-income jobs, report finds. A national "learning exchange" could help fix the problem.

Gates, MOOCs and Remediation

The Gates Foundation is ponying up to learn if MOOCs could work for remedial students, a departure from the current slate of MOOCs. Developmental education experts say the idea could work, but others remain skeptical.

Bigger Picture, Smaller Numbers

Saint Benedict decreased enrollment to shore up its finances, an unusual move at a time when many small colleges are considering growth.

When Statewide Pays Off

North Carolina's community colleges go big on curriculum tweaks for green jobs training, showing what a strong system office can do.

The Community College Pipeline

Study shows that 45 percent of bachelor's degree recipients studied at two-year institutions first -- as many as three-quarters in some states.

Pell Spending Levels Off

Federal spending on the biggest student grant program surprisingly declines by $2.2 billion, even as numbers of recipients increased. But a sword still hangs over the program.

Can Do for Community Colleges

Community colleges can do better despite the challenges they face, Joshua Wyner writes, citing leaders on graduation rates and student outcomes.

Hour by Hour

The credit hour wasn't supposed to measure learning, for good reason, according to a new report, which recommends how to revise or even drop the standard without leading to abuse.