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Holding Presidents Accountable for Learning

Regents of Georgia university system individually asked 35 campus leaders how they planned to improve retention and graduation rates. The meetings were occasionally uncomfortable; the answers sometimes unsatisfactory.

At the Rendezvous of Victory

The C.L.R. James Library in London is being renamed. Scott McLemee wants to halt the vandalism.

Worried About Retirement

Should colleges and their employees be doing more to encourage savings and better-informed planning?

An Adjunct's Novel

Some years back, faculty activists started talking about adjuncts as "freeway flyers" to reflect how they had to drive from...

A Death Benefit Lives On

Facing a retiree uproar, Dartmouth backtracks on plan to eliminate an unusual payout to the families of deceased employees.

Shutdown Shot Down

An attempt to discourage social media use at Harrisburg U. runs up against students and faculty determined to get their fix.

The Bookworm Turns

Will getting an e-reader change your life? Scott McLemee takes one step forward, two steps back....

'When College Is Not the Best Time'

We've all heard the clichéd description of college as "the best years of your life." For those of us whose...