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'Contesting Archives'

It has long been said that the winners write the history books -- but those keeping the records may also...

Long Road to Open Access

Effort by leading research universities to rethink the economics of scholarly journals has an underwhelming first year, and experts caution against expectations of quick change.

'Asians in the Ivory Tower'

Each fall brings articles about rising Asian-American enrollments at leading colleges and universities. But according to Robert T. Teranishi, associate...

Mixing Work and Play on Facebook

Purdue U. creates a learning-management system that meets students on their turf and puts them in charge.

A Call for Open Textbooks

Lobbying for cheaper books, a student activist group throws its weight behind an open-source model.

Searching For Better Research Habits

Teaching students how to do Google-style research might not be as harmful to research habits as the alternative.

Documenting Adjunct Work

Coalition of academic groups starts national survey in effort to gain data to promote better treatment of those off the tenure track.

Looking West

As largest regional accreditor toughens stance on for-profit colleges, two major companies, Bridgepoint and Argosy, seek shift to Western region -- which says it won't be a patsy.