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All In the Delivery

As publishers and analysts again wonder if e-books are about to take off, the growing popularity of rental options may play as important a role as technology.

'American Universities in a Global Market'

The status of the United States in the international higher education ecosystem -- and, particularly, whether it is losing its...

Harvard and Homelessness

A new book examines the only student-run homeless shelter in the country.

A Graphic Text

A Texas Tech professor replaces traditional textbooks with a cartoon story -- and finds that students respond.

'Scoreboard, Baby'

College football is so notorious a breeding ground for controversy that it's difficult even to say what constitutes a scandal...

Abandoning an Experiment

Rice U. shuts down its digital university press -- going against recommendations of outside reviewers. With 2 other presses closing, some see growing vulnerability for small outfits.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Georgia Gwinnett has boosted retention by giving its faculty smartphones and encouraging students to call them.

Roping in the Tenured

Adjuncts consider outreach to their more privileged peers to better achieve labor goals.