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No Grades for States This Year

Biennial "Measuring Up" report card on higher education progress won't be published this year, as founder looks for a new home and new backers for it.

'The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower'

A new book on campus crime -- The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower: Campus Crime as a Social Problem...

Accreditor Under the Gun Again

Education Department proposes stripping recognition from agency that accredits liberal arts institutions.

New Models for University Presses

A special issue of The Journal of Electronic Publishing being released today features a series of calls for change in...

Challenge on Textbook Pricing

Textbook companies have faced a number of challenges in recent years, such as open course content, an increasingly vibrant used-book...

Active Learning = More Majors

NEW ORLEANS -- It is no secret that these are hard times for anthropology. The discipline claims little more than...

Professors (and Learners) of the Year

It’s probably not unusual for junior professors to hear they should devote their time to research rather than waste it...

Cheating and the Generational Divide

The revelation that hundreds of University of Central Florida students in a senior-level business class received an advance version of...