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Timid About Fair Use?

A new report from the College Art Association says that artists and art historians have real and perceived concerns about fair use laws. Experts say other kinds of academics do, too.

'Creditocracy' in America

How much remains of democratic principles when a society is sunk in financial debt? Scott McLemee starts checking the books.

Equality for Adjuncts

New anthology from a longtime adjunct activist Keith Hoeller stresses equality for adjuncts in terms of pay and other benefits, compared to their tenure-line colleagues.

For-Profit Wage Gap

Community college students who transfer to for-profit institutions earn less than do peers who transfer to public or private colleges, study finds.

Options Don't Stem Textbook Woes

Report, citing crippling textbook costs, argues for more use of open-source materials. Publishers dispute the findings.

Don't Shrink

Graduate programs in the humanities should resist calls for them to admit fewer doctoral students, writes David B. Downing.

Focus on Faculty

Campus reviewers and agencies' standards need to pay more attention to adjunct faculty issues in the accreditation process, a new report asserts.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Against Boycotts and More

New petition seeks to organize academics who oppose boycotts and outside attacks (whether from supporters or critics of Israel) on the tenure candidacies of faculty members.