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Variations on a Theme

Administrators make the case for general education pathways at conference session.

Promising Portfolios

Presenters at the Association of American Colleges and Universities' annual meeting see plenty of uses for e-portfolios -- as long as institutions look beyond the hype.

Congress Takes Note

A new report on the impact of adjunct labor marks a new level of interest in Washington about the changing nature of the higher education workforce.

Court Loss for an Accreditor

A federal judge overturns an agency's 2012 decision to revoke an institution's accreditation -- and imposes a $429,000 financial penalty to boot.

Poli Sci Victory, For Now

The budget passed by Congress last week removes controversial restrictions of NSF funding for the discipline -- but advocates for social science researchers say the battle isn't over.

General Education's Remake

Liberal education group wants to redesign general education around competencies, and gets $2.3 million from the Gates Foundation for the project.

Ratings Alternative

Association of public universities says Obama ratings system could create "perverse incentives," but supports linking receipt of aid to performance on key metrics.

Liberal Arts Grads Win Long-Term

Over the arc of a career, humanities and social science graduates earn as much or more than those in professional fields, new study shows, and are equally employed.