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It's Not All Bad

The state of academic rigor and student engagement in the classroom isn't in a total state of decay, but there is plenty to be desired, study suggests.

Rank and File

In an unusual move for a community college, Wake Tech is offering some faculty traditional professor ranks -- and raises.

Teaching Writing Intensive Courses

Instructors who embrace this educationally valuable approach need not let grading consume their lives, writes Andrew Joseph Pegoda.

Turnitin Put to the Test

Did the plagiarism detection software Turnitin cut "unoriginal writing" by almost 40 percent? Not so fast, one researcher says.

Reform Starts With Good Data

A dearth of accurate data makes it impossible for students, families and policy makers to answer basic questions about higher education, write U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Marco Rubio. A student-level system would help provide answers.

Following Student Veterans

Federal agency releases new college comparison site for student veterans and data about where they are enrolled, earning praise from both for-profit colleges and their critics.

Part-Timers Surge in Australia

The number of non-full-time academics on Australian campuses rises by 17 percent, a figure officials attribute to universities' need for flexibility and financial constraints.

Forgive Us Our Debts

It's a casino economy -- where the dealer always wins. Scott McLemee reports on a book about profit, loss, and education as a risky bet.