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Behind the Headlines

Rosemary G. Feal offers her perspective on what happened at an MLA meeting that received exceptional public scrutiny.

Humanities or Self-Help?

Replacing a required humanities course with a class based on the popular self-help book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has faculty up in arms at one community college.

(More) Clarity on Adjunct Hours

Final IRS rules on employers' responsibility for health insurance requires colleges to credit adjuncts with 2.25 hours of work for each hour they teach; rules don't exempt student employees.

What MLA Should Do Now

The association can take a stand for academic freedom without singling out countries or ignoring the flaws of nations such as the U.S., writes Cary Nelson.

Questions From the NLRB

Labor board seeks views on how to evaluate whether adjuncts may unionize at religious colleges, and continued role of Yeshiva decision that largely stopped collective bargaining by tenure-track faculty at private institutions.


Philadelphia's 15,000 adjuncts are being courted by not just one, but two, unions angling for an eventual city-wide contract.

Art vs. Endowment

Randolph College -- disregarding policies of museum groups -- sells masterpiece painting for $25.5 million.

Rating (and Berating) the Ratings

Responses to Obama administration's request for comments on proposed rating system reveal schism between public and private colleges, confusion about goals of such a system, and skepticism about its viability.