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An Hour Makes a Difference

A simple intervention can dramatically decrease the academic achievement gap for first-generation college students, study finds.

Going All In on Proficiencies

The University of Maine at Presque Isle is moving away from grades to competency-style education for all of its academic programs, with an announcement that both drew praise and raised questions.

Let’s Scramble, Not Flip, the Classroom

We need a new instructional model to replace the lecture-only format, but let’s not simply replace one rigid approach with another, Pamela Barnett argues. Rhetoric matters.

Protecting Academic Freedom

Federal appeals court issues strong statements about the importance of protecting speech by faculty members in public higher education.

We Need Ed Schools

The right incentives can attract top students to university-based programs to train teachers for high-need schools, writes Arthur Levine.

Rejecting the Standardized Test

Sarah Lawrence, faced with the pressure to assess student learning, bypasses the commonly used tools and invents its own approach. It's not nationally normed, and this college is proud of that.

Bending the Shtick

The figure known as "the Elvis of cultural theory" has just published a book of jokes. Scott McLemee is holding his sides.

Not Newly Minted Enough?

Two adjuncts consider the jobs available to them, and those closed off.