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Origins of 'The Wisconsin Idea'

Author discusses his new book on a much praised philosophy for public higher education.

How to Choose a (Machiavellian?) Leader

Machiavelli's name has long been synonymous with political skulduggery, but Maurizio Viroli offers us a kinder, gentler Machiavelli -- someone who kept the common good in mind in ways greatly lacking in this election year, writes Scott McLemee.

Obama, the Academic (Again)

Embracing his scholarly roots, President Obama became the first sitting president to publish an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

More Intellectual Than You Thought

Author discusses her new book, Reimagining Popular Notions of American Intellectualism.

Manipulated Journal Rankings?

Jerry A. Jacobs examines the allegations of cheating that have created concerns about the excessive reliance on journal impact scores for tenure decisions and other matters.

The Plot Thickens!

Scott McLemee reviews Plots, an examination of patterns of storytelling that highlights Robert L. Belknap's excellence as a literary critic.

Romancing the Academic

Catherine M. Roach describes the joy of falling in love with a whole new field of inquiry and style of research.

Scaling Up OER

New initiatives at university systems show the maturation of efforts to increase the use of open educational resources.