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Culture Gulch

Scott McLemee reviews Terry Eagleton's new book, Culture, which unpacks the concept in its title.

Opening Up the Repository

U of Florida connects its institutional repository to Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform to try to increase the visibility of the university's intellectual work.

When a University Press Is Deemed 'Nonessential'

Supporters of academic publishing worry about what Northern Illinois U may decide about a small press that punches above its weight in scholarship.

Portable Journal Acceptance?

In a changing market, authors increasingly find themselves negotiating with publishers to see their work to completion, even after they successfully navigate academic peer review, writes, Michael S. Evans. The solution is to make journal acceptance portable.

The Case for Open Review

Open access is not fully realized without open peer review, which would provide opportunities for scholarly dialogue and critique throughout the writing process and beyond, argues Alex Mueller.

When Service Learning Doesn't Really Serve

Too often, service learning prioritizes students over the people with whom they work, Randy Stoecker argues in a new book.

An Administrator, Writing

Monica F. Jacobe provides five rules to help people with Ph.D.s who still want to produce scholarship yet work in professional jobs that don't demand or reward it.

'A Body, Undone'

Scott McLemee reviews a new book by Christina Crosby, who discusses the reality of her life after a horrific accident with a candor that must be experienced to be believed.