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Fall Harvest Festival, Continued

Scott McLemee highlights more new books due out from university presses this fall.

Pressing Challenges

Amid declining book sales, university presses search for new ways to measure success.

The Big Chill

In Return to Cold War, Robert Legvold gives a succinct, lucid, fairly dispassionate and almost incessantly even-handed presentation of relations between the United States and Russia, writes Scott McLemee.

Where Open Textbooks Are Used

While most faculty members are still unaware of open educational resources, use in introductory courses nearly rivals that of traditional textbooks, study finds.

'The Politics of Innovation'

Author asks why some countries are better than others at science and technology.

Fall Harvest

After reviewing about 70 catalogs, Scott McLemee offers an overview of fall books being published by university presses.

'There Isn't Some Big Conspiracy Happening'

Some scholars are taking confusion about articles mistakenly deleted from the Social Science Research Network as their cue to look for a new place to share research.

Articles, Not Books

New study suggests that science dissertations increasingly are research article based, not book-length studies, reflecting the professionalization of the Ph.D.