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Write On!

In our digital age, some people predict that writing by hand could become an antiquarian hobby, but Anne Trubek's The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting is a story of metamorphosis, not of decline, writes Scott McLemee.

Feds Target 'Predatory' Publishers

The Federal Trade Commission is "marking a line in the sand" with its first lawsuit against publishers that take advantage of scholars wishing to publish in open-access journals.

Increase Scholarly Visibility Using This One Weird Trick!

Scott McLemee reviews a scholarly article that examines how small but significant tweaks to an academic paper's title can make it more likely to win attention.

Calling Out the Professoriate

Author of the 1988 book Profscam, conservative talk radio host Charles Sykes, discusses his new book that again takes on higher education.

Studying With the Master

Scott McLemee examines the quite serious -- and surprisingly abundant -- scholarship on Donald Trump's The Apprentice.

How Students Make Decisions

New book explores how those at seven elite liberal arts colleges make decisions about academics, social life and more.

Making It Count

Ken Ono's memoir, My Search for Ramanujan: How I Learned to Count, is a story of the life-enhancing (and quite possibly life-saving) influence of friends and mentors, writes Scott McLemee.

Supporting Sci-Hub vs. Explaining Sci-Hub

Association of American Publishers complains about Cal State librarian who studies popularity of pirated scientific papers. Cal State defends its librarian.