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‘Breakaway Learners’

Author discusses her new book about promoting success of at-risk students.

Trigger Warnings Ahead

New book seeks to round out the trigger warning debate with competing histories of the trend and case studies from the classroom.

‘Vice’ Precedents

Mark Stein’s Vice Capades: Sex, Drugs and Bowling From the Pilgrims to the Present tracks how the vice of one century, such as bowling or playing cards, can become the wholesome family recreation of another, writes Scott McLemee.

There’s an App for That

While no writing instrument can do the actual work for you, Scott McLemee describes the benefits (and disadvantages) of various note-taking apps.

‘The Toxic University’

Author discusses his new book, which argues that politicians and “zombie leadership” in higher education are destroying academic values.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Thought Leaders

Despite Daniel Drezner’s arguments to the contrary, now is not the “worst of times” for public intellectuals, Jonathan Marks argues.

Finding Its Moment, 30 Years Later

A brief mention in an interview by a British artist breathes life and sales into a niche music theory book.

OpenStax Launches Learning Platform

The Rice University-based free textbook publisher is the latest in the industry to pair its own course content with an online learning platform.