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In Newsworthy: The Supreme Court Battle Over Privacy and Press Freedom, Samantha Barbas makes clear how much Americans' views about privacy have changed over time, writes Scott McLemee.

The New, New Education

Cathy Davidson’s new book is a manifesto on teaching students -- and institutions -- how to survive and thrive in the digital age.

Should Grad Students Publish?

Two vastly different disciplines consider whether there are too many journal articles these days, and whether graduate student publishing is part of the problem. Some see that analysis as shortsighted.

Some Good People

What stands out in Linda Gordon’s The Second Coming of the KKK is that the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s tried to create a world unto itself through spectacle, mass communications and branding, writes Scott McLemee.

Cambridge Press Changes Course on Chinese Censorship Request

Facing intense criticism for caving to censors, Cambridge University Press restores access to more than 300 journal articles it had blocked in China -- but the problem for publishers isn’t going away. Chinese authorities also try to block articles from another journal.

‘Law Mart’

Author of new study of for-profit legal education sector answers questions about the book and potential lessons for policy makers.

Outrage Over University Press Caving in to Chinese Censorship

Cambridge press agrees to block access in China to more than 300 articles from a key journal for scholarship on the nation.

Klan 2.0

In The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition, Linda Gordon emphasizes broad patterns, making the book more timely than even the headlines of the past few days would suggest, writes Scott McLemee.