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‘Degrees of Difference’

Author discusses new book on how the value of higher education is discussed -- and how issues of gender influence that discussion.

Giving People What They Paid For

Drew Story outlines a simple approach academics can use to increase access to research and restore its public value.

‘Dealing With Dysfunction’

New book tries to help readers cope with that faculty colleague who never liked a new idea or offered to help.

Elsevier Expands Footprint in Scholarly Workflow

Elsevier’s acquisition of Bepress’s institutional repository platform is heralded as a smart move for the publisher, but not all of Bepress’s customers are impressed.

‘Digital Prospects’

Byung-Chul Han’s In the Swarm: Digital Prospects describes how our society is well down the road toward a dramatically different, digital world. Much harder to discern, writes Scott McLemee, is where, or if, Han sees an off-ramp.

Math Journal Editors Quit for Open Access

To protest the high prices charged by their publisher, Springer, the editors of the Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics will start a rival journal that will be free for all to read.

'Write No Matter What'

Author discusses her new book of writing advice for academics.

Our Zombies, Our Selves

Scott McLemee writes of the recent passing of George A. Romero, the “godfather of zombie film,” and how his work was simultaneously horrific and satirical.