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Net Neutrality Battle

Questions about funding and disclosure surround article advocating more economic analysis at the FCC, ahead of major moves by Trump appointees to roll back net neutrality rules.

Amid Dispute, Award Returned

Honor for history book is given back amid criticism of its citations. Author says there are 52 errors he sees as accidental and mostly minor, but others see more fundamental problems.

Good Old-Fashioned Nostalgia

Scott McLemee highlights another round of titles from next season’s offerings from university presses.

Teaching Moments From the ‘Hypatia’ Controversy

Trysh Travis considers the controversy at Hypatia over Rebecca Tuvel’s article on “transracialism” in hopes of extracting some potential teaching moments from it.

‘Every Cook Can Govern’

Scott McLemee interviews Ceri Dingle, the director of an ambitious documentary on the West Indian political theorist and scholar C. L. R. James about how Dingle, 200 volunteers and others brought such a daunting project to fruition.

The OER Moment

"The OER Moment" is Inside Higher Ed's new print-on-demand compilation of articles. This collection of news and opinion articles may...

Textbook-Counterfeiting Cage Match

Three major textbook publishers sue the bookstore provider Follett, alleging failure to stop selling pirated versions of their books.

Fall Forward

Scott McLemee continues to survey some of the upcoming publishing season’s offerings.