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'Judging Edward Teller'

Hungarian-born physicist Edward Teller was among the great scientists of the 20th century, but his legacy is, at best, a...

'Getting in the Game'

Nearly four decades after its passage, Title IX remains the object of much contention in academe and beyond -- particularly...

'Lessons From A Street-Wise Professor'

Landing a job in today’s economy is tough for most college graduates. For those seeking a career in the fine...

Female Complaints

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" is a feminist classic. Scott McLemee looks into the story behind the story.

For Love of Longform

Digital journal aggregators move en masse to join Google in making full-length books available in searchable archives.

'Pay for Play'

University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban is frequently heralded as "the most powerful man in Alabama" and "the most...

The Year in Reading

Was there a book that rocked your world in 2010? Scott McLemee asks around.

'The Global Auction'

College and university presidents in the United States and elsewhere regularly link the need for a higher education to individual...