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The Last Utopia

A new book looks at the history of the human rights movement and reaches surprising conclusions. Scott McLemee interviews the author.

'Lessons Learned'

William G. Bowen was president of Princeton University from 1972 to 1988, and he reflects on his experiences and the...

Paying by the Pound for Journals

A new digital pricing model strains the relationship between chemistry group and some of its subscribers.

'The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower'

A new book on campus crime -- The Dark Side of the Ivory Tower: Campus Crime as a Social Problem...

Challenge on Textbook Pricing

Textbook companies have faced a number of challenges in recent years, such as open course content, an increasingly vibrant used-book...

New Models for University Presses

A special issue of The Journal of Electronic Publishing being released today features a series of calls for change in...

'Saints and Scamps'

While much has changed in higher education in the last 25 years, Steven M. Cahn maintains that the important ethical...

Rude Democracy

Stewart and Colbert rally in DC this weekend. Scott McLemee opposes their extremist moderation.