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'The Lost Soul of Higher Education'

To begin an article by saying that American higher education is in a state of crisis would be -- at...

'Contesting Archives'

It has long been said that the winners write the history books -- but those keeping the records may also...

Long Road to Open Access

Effort by leading research universities to rethink the economics of scholarly journals has an underwhelming first year, and experts caution against expectations of quick change.

'Asians in the Ivory Tower'

Each fall brings articles about rising Asian-American enrollments at leading colleges and universities. But according to Robert T. Teranishi, associate...

A Call for Open Textbooks

Lobbying for cheaper books, a student activist group throws its weight behind an open-source model.

At the Rendezvous of Victory

The C.L.R. James Library in London is being renamed. Scott McLemee wants to halt the vandalism.

The Bookworm Turns

Will getting an e-reader change your life? Scott McLemee takes one step forward, two steps back....

'When College Is Not the Best Time'

We've all heard the clichéd description of college as "the best years of your life." For those of us whose...