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'Big-Time Sports in American Universities'

As a leading economist of education, Charles T. Clotfelter has brought data-driven analysis to many key topics surrounding American schools...

Hand-Crafted Digital Texts

With free e-books, you often get what you pay for. Scott McLemee discovers the art of making do-it-yourself editions.

Please Refine Your Search Terms

A long-awaited decision by a federal judge could be a significant blow to Google's attempts to sell access to books it scanned from university libraries.

Pays to Share

New research suggests as they wait for the "digital switch," libraries may need to collaborate to better use their print collections.

'Lahore With Love' -- Without a Publisher

Lahore With Love: Growing Up With Girlfriends Pakistani Style was published last year by Syracuse University Press, and the fictionalized...

'Lowering Higher Education'

With colleges under intense pressure to find new sources of revenue, many are applying business ideas or creating closer ties...

Let Us Now Praise KJV

This year marks the four hundredth anniversary of an influential translation of the Bible. Scott McLemee hears echoes of it everywhere.

Online Courseware's Existential Moment

Historically, universities such as Columbia, Oxford, Yale, Princeton and Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have defined their value...